Wednesday 16 February 2011

Anniversary Candy

Hiya Peeps,

This is a sticky, so scroll down for posts.

I'm just coming up to my 1st year anniversary, next week I think, and I would like to offer some candy, with some help from a few friends.   I have had a fabulous year and made many new friends in blogland and I am on some fabulous design teams, which I couldn't have even thought about this time last year.  So to say thank you to you all I'd like to offer some anniversary candy. 

I know it's not the best of photo's, I was trying to do this in the best light in the back garden but it was soooo blowy I just had to click and hope for the best, lol.

Here's what's included:-

5 digi images as seen on the back from Make It Crafty consisting of the Fairy Tree House, Ivy Swing, Carriage of Love and Daphne (Princess) and the Petals and Pailings (thank you Zoe)
2 Crafts and Me Stamps (thank you Teresa)
2 Magnolia Stamps
2 Sugar Nellie Stamps
4 Pixie Cottage Stamps
2 Crafty Sentiments Stamps
1 LOTV Time To Celebrate Stamp
1 Greetings Farm Sweet Anya Stamp
Skeleton Leaves
Embossed Flowers
Assorted flowers from Wild Orchid Crafts
Assortment of bows
Two lenghts of Lace and Two lengths of fibres
5 sheets of vellum paper with Congratulations, Happy Birthday and Thank you text
1 Spellbinders Shapeabilities Cupcakes
1 pack of jewelled pink/blue flowers
Circular doilies in 3 different sizes
Heart Shaped doilies
Some diecut bunnies in white, blue, pink and yellow

Usual Deets Peeps:-

Become a follower if you aren't already
Post a pic in your side bar with a link back to me
Link to Mr Linky below or email me if you don't have a blog, it's open to all

This candy is open until 16th Februay.  Thank you and good luck!


angelwhispers said...

What a fabulous Candy Tracy!!

Didn't think it was only a year! But what a year your work rocks and is so inspiring I just love it as I know all your followers do!!

Thanks for sharing your creations it's always such a pleasure to pop by and see your awesome work!! Chanelle xxx

Lia said...

Whauww, what a wonderful candy, super, so many nice things,

Greets Lia

Alizabethy said...

I'm celebrating my 1st blogiversay too!

cowboydutrem said...

Wow this is a huge candy! Happy anniversary and thanks for a chance! I was already a follower and your candy is now linked in my sidebar.

♥Gemma♥ said...

Wow what gorgeous candy Tracy and very kind of you to do this, Thanks for the chance to win & ive linked your yummy candy on my sidebar for you :o)
hugs and xxx

Claire said...

Great candy Tracy - there's some on my blog too if you are interested. Hugs, Claire x

Kellie said...

WOW gorgeous candy and fat free! Congratulations on your one year anniversary and here's to many more crafting, blogging years!


Lyse said...

Hi Tracy,
WOOWWW, What a great candy, thank you very much to give a chance to win it.


Unknown said...

Hi Tracy x Happy anniversary x a year flies past when you're having fun x Your candy is on my sidebar x got me fingers crossed now x it is pure luxury x thanks for holding it x Leigh x

Judi said...

Hi Tracy

What FABULOUS candy - this really is SO generous! Congratulations on your anniversary.


Judi x

Unknown said...

Hi Tracy,
Wow hun, congratulations on your first year - you have done really well. Thanks for the chance to win. I will have some candy on my blog this week too - please feel free to enter!
Dawn xxx

gina g said...

Gorgeous candy Tracy lots of yummy goodies and Happy Anniversary hun. luv gina xx

Unknown said...

Hello Tracy, congrats on one year of blogging! I'm only a rooky compared to you, started last September :) Your candy is very generous, love the chance to join in. Bug hug, Frea

Unknown said...

Ehhh, that's a bIg hug LOL!! Frea

Kras said...

Hi Tracy.
What a fabulous Candy*

Suzi Mac said...

Congratulation Tracy on a fantastic year so far. Here's to many many more. Wonderful Candy, thank you for the chance to win.
Suzi x

denny said...

congratulations hun on your first year hun and thankyou for the chance of your yummy candy hun hugs denny xxxxxxxxxx youve done really well hun xxxxxx

Lizzy said...

WOW Hun lush candy on offer, thanks ever so much for the chance to win it and Congratulations on your blog anniversay too sweetie.

xx Lizzy xx :)

Loz said...

Congrats on your one year of blogging Tracy, wishing you many, many more! Thanks so much for the chance to win this delightful candy - my mouth is watering hehe ♥

♥ Kristy Woods ♥ said...

Such a gorgeous Candy! I wanna win heheh. I have added pic to my side bar :)

♥♥RubyM:)♥♥ said...

HIYA Tracy girl me again lol! OK i wanna play too.
Were lucky to have you in blog land.Conitue to inspire us and AHEMMMMM! teach us how to color lol!!!((muah))RubyM:)

Anita said...

What a great candy! Thanks for a chance to win this. X Anita

lalkygirl said...

happy blogoversary tracy,thanks for all your inspiration ,long may it continue
thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.
tracey x

Monique said...

Wow, that's so sweet of you. Thank you for a chance to win. I just posted this candy to my blog and also added you to my blogroll. Your cards are wonderfull :)).

Hugs from the Netherlands.

Erica said...

Congrats on your first blogoversary Tracy! Wonderful candy, good luck to all who are in with a chance :D!


Kirsty said...

Hi I am now following your super blog. I think this is the biggest candy I have ever seen Wow Thankyou so much for the opportunity and for the inspiration Kitty :)

Marjo said...

Hi Tracy,

Thanks for the awsome candy and a chance to win. It's been a year for me too, I have some blog candy if you are

Hugs, Marjo

Nannieflash said...

Awesome blogcandy Tracy, youve certainly achieved a lot in one year, well done. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

Alice said...

Hi Tracy and congrats! Thank you so much for this fab candy! I am a new follower of your lovely blog. You are welcome to visit my blog!

KarenB said...

Hi Tracy, congratulations on your blog anniversary. I found your blog via Make it Colourful, and I've loved looking around. So much inspiration to be had, thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Hi tracy! fab candy! have been a follower for a while and im soooo glad i found you. thanks for all the inspiration and for making so much beauty. i have 1 year blogaversery over at my place too, if you wanna join. hugs

Addams said...

Great candy, thanks for the chance to win. Happy Anniversay. Dawn x

Myzdamena said...

Happy Anniversary! :)

I am a new follower arrived from hopping on blogs all morning so excuse me while I get a cup of tea, dive in, and make random comments maybe on old posts :)


Tanya said...

Congrats Tracy! I already follow and have added to my sidebar, thanks so much :)

BrossArtAddiction said...

Wow, what a super amazing and gorgeous lot of candy! Your are so kind and generous for offering it! I love your beautiful cards too...your coloring is stunning! Thanks so much for the chance to win! :D


Hannapanna said...

Happy blogoversary and thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. I'm now a follower and I added a link to your candy in my sidebar. Hugs, Hanna

Lau W said...

Congratulations Tracy, and thank you for this chance to win !!

Barbara Sproatmeyer (LM2) said...

Congratulations on your Blog-aversay!! That's so exciting and you've put together a great stash!! :D

Mona said...

Congratulations to 1st Anniversary. Thank you for the beautful candy!

Paula (PEP) said...

Congratulations on all your achievements during your first year. Thanks too for sharing some candy. I'm learning much from your work.
Paula (PEP)

Tash Daly said...

Hi Tracy, I actually just stumbled across your blog, but I am happy to become a follower, I have actually taken a look at your work and really love the richness and depth of colour your work has!! I look forward to seeing what you post over the coming year. Congratulations on your achievement. All the best :-)

Tash Daly said...

Ooops P.S. thanks for the opportunity to win some candy. :-)

Unknown said...

Gorgeous candy Tracy have linked it on my sidebar, I have some on offer over at mine.
Chris x

sallysbitz2 said...

Tracy this is just amazing candy for your 1yr blogaversary.
Mine is in May & I am building up the stash for my giveaway.

Thanks for the chance of winning.

hugs sally x

crucifax2 said...

Thank you for participating in such nice candy
I am already your follower and I love your work

Unknown said...

Hi Tracy, I tried to copy the picture and put it on my blog, but cannot get it to work. If you let me know how to fix it, I will post it in my sidebar. thanks!

Justyna said...

Wow! What an awesome sweet treat! Thanks for the chance to win & thanks for sharing your wonderfully, inspiring creations too!

Message Keeper said...

Congratulations on the anniversary, Tracy! Hope there are many to come in the future! Thanks for the lovely candy.

Evelyn @ Message Keeper

Agus said...

Congratulation on the anniversary!! and thanks so much for this lovely candy!! Im a happy follower and I posted the photo on my sidebar (:

Zoe said...

Gosh I am hopeless, can't believe I wasn't following. I always forget to follow because I don't use blogger but I am NOW!! :) Look at this YUMMY candy! Huge congrats on such an event and HELLO!!! Of course you are getting snapped up left right and centre! You are amazing and I feel so privileged to have you on my team. Cheers to another fantastic crafty adventure a head!! Big Squeezes xxooo

Queen La Rubba said...

This is just scrumptious candy that you are shring in celebration! Crafty Paper Blogging is just so addictive! love your blog and your work!

Only By His Grace said...

Hi Tracy!
I am a new follower. Just been looking at your gorgeous creations. Love your coloring.
thanks for a chance to win your blog candy and congratulations for one year in blog land.
Have put it on my side bar.
Hugs Maz

Olya Kopylova said...

you have amazing projects, so i become ur follower with great pleasure!

thank u for the chance to win this sweet candy!

Yasmin said...

Happy Bloggiversary!

Gorgeous candy , Tracy! You have some gorgeous projects done and I'm happy to follow. Thanks for the chance to win.

Cintia Tavares said...

Fantastic Candy, thank you!!!!

Cintia Tavares (follower)
post sidebar in my blog

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your anniversary, and what a generous candy! I've put a link in my sidebar, took me a while but i think i've done it how you wanted it, I'm still new to this blog thing!
Here's to another year!

Sassy Scrapper said...

Awesome sweet sugar free candy! Whoo. Ahh. And it look delicious! I'm already a stalker I mean a follower of your blog. And I've placed your lovely candy on my side bar to help spread the word of your giveaway. Happy Anniversary and thank you for sharing in your celebration.
Hugs Bonnie

annet neggers said...

wateen leuke candy wil ook wel een gokje wagen
groetjes annet

Diana said...


a beautiful candy and beautiful cards

greetings diana

Tanya Dudkina said...

Oh wow!!
The candy is soooo sweet.
I wish I can win it!!

Sandra said...

Sweet Candy, I like it!

groetjes uit Holland,

rachel said...

wow fab candy but even better to celebrate your first year, well done, dont know how to add to side bar so popped you on the blog

aqualeiga said...

Always great to discover a fab new blog when 'hopping!' Love what you do, and thanks for the candy opp! Hugs x

Laurianne said...

Thank you so much everything is Awesome!!! Happy Anniversary! Laurie

Mandy's Magnolia cards said...

What a beautiful candy!
thanks for the chance to win
greetings, Mandy

Elena V. said...

a new follower! You have beautiful cards! I hope to enjoy your work for a long time!!

debra said...

Hi Tracy
wow you have achieved so much in one year hun, congrats to you. i supposed to be blog hopping lol but got distracted by your scrummy candy and those colourings in the background look very pretty.
hugs Debbie

Michelle said...

Hey Tracy, Many congratulations on your anniversary. What fun blogging is. Thanks very much for the chance to take part.

Kattiz said...

Cingratulation to your anniversary! Sooo jummy candy, of course I whant to have a chans on it :)
Hugs Kattiz

Debbie said...

Wow, congratulations on reaching your first year on your blog, Your work is beautiful,thank you for the opportunity to win your fantastic candy.Debbie x

Randi Th. said...

Thanks for the awsome candy and a chance to win.
Have a nice day!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a super candy! Congratulations on your first year anniversary.
Thanks for the chance to win this!

greetings, Claudia

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Blogaversary! thanks for the chance at some goodies too!

Lorraine said...

happy blogaversary your candy is awesome thankyou so very much huni xx

Shazza said...

fabulous candy Tracy, thanks for the chance x

Turid said...

Wonderful candy Tracy! Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs, Turid from Norway :)

Brook said...

Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary! Thanks for the chance at some awesome candy!!!

Sabina said...

thank you very much for your nice comment on my blog.
Thank you for the chance to win!!!

Anne said...

Happy blogaversary Tracy, thanks for the chance to win!

Pedacinhos di Pano by Claudia said...

Hi Tracy

I am a follower, thanks for the chance.

Congrats blogniversary.

visit my blog also



Tammy said...

Happy Anniversary...I am a new follower and I have to say so far as I have been browsing. You have the gift of coloring. Wow~
I have your candy posted on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance of winning some great stuff.
I have a little giveaway as well if you want to pop over.

Grenouille Greetings said...

...sooner than expected! Happy Anniversary and thank you for the opportunity to win some fabulous candy! Warmest wishes, Lesley

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic candy!!!!Thanks for the chance to win
Happy annyversary- linked the candy in sidebar, be a follower now

Annette Bowes said...

Wishing a very happy first blogaversary Tracy! Gorgeous candy you are celebrating with! Take careX:)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What amazing candy you are giving away for your 1 year blogiversary. Congratulations!! I am a new follower and I think I will enjoy lurking around your blog! :)

I posted about your candy here:

Evie said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Thanks for the chance. Hugs, Evie (Singapore)

LittleNasty said...

Wonderful candy!
Tracy, thanks for a chance!

Crystal said...

Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win your amazing candy!

Cor* said...

Tracy. Thanks for the heads up on your candy. I could have swore I was following you already!! Guess not! Thanks for letting me know! I have posted you on my sidebar! So very generous of you! Happy Anniversary! I too am going to be having blogaversary candy posted by the end of Feb.......stay tuned!

Unknown said...

O wow what a fabulous candy, thank you for the heads up... I just couldn't resist joining in and you have such a lovely blog, so I'm really so happy to be following you too. .. I got candy too if you'd like to join in as well. Hugs xxx

Donna said...

What a fab candy! Thank you for the opportunity and you have a lovely blog by the way!

Good Luck to me and everyone

Donna xx

Angela said...

Hy Tracy,
i'm a new follower from you fantastic blog and creations.
Congratulations to your first year anniversary and many thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous candy.I'll put a link in my sidebar and send you many greetings

Julie said...

Hi,Thanks for telling me about your scrummie candy,by pure coincidence it's also my blogs 1 year Anniversary next week too. Can't imagine life without all the new friends and inspiring company,best thing I could have done. Here's to many more blogging years!,Julie.x

Susanna said...

Hi Tracy,
congrats on your anniversary! I'm a follower :-) Your cards are absolutely amazing, I wish I was just as handy :-)

Inny said...

Hello Tracy,
I just became a follower of your blog. What a wonder-wonderfull cards do you make!!!And what a lovely candy do you have to give away!!!!
I've put a pic and link in the sidebar of my blog.And of course: CONGRATULATIONS!!
Love, Henny

vmee said...

hi Tracy....
Your candy is so wonderfull...thank u for the chance...^^

Mary Lou said...

Oh My Tracy~~ Fabulous Candy but more importantly FABULOUS creations!!!
Love you style and outcomes~~~Extremely outstanding inspiration to me:)
Thanks so very much
Blessings and Hugz

Laila said...

Fab candy you're offering. Congrats on your first blogoversary.
I've added your link to my sidebar.
Hugs Laila

Denise Sebold Esteves said...

Thanks for the chance to win and linked your candy on my sidebar for.


La Vikinga said...

Hi Tracy what a fine candy! I'd like to participate!


Sarah said...

Great blog Candy! I have posted this in my sidebar and linked back to you! oh by the way I am a follower!

Autumn said...

Awesome candy Tracy! Congrats on your anniversary! Thanks for the chance to win!

jojoscraps said...

Following your blog is a no-brainer. Your work is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing candy. Happy Anniversary!
Jo xx

...through my eyes said...

congrats on your one year anniversary!

Katarina said...

What a delicious candy - thank you for the chance to win. I linked you on my sidebar and candypost.


Felice blogversario.
Complimenti per il tuo blog.
Seguo il tuo blog e ho condiviso sul mio.

De Creakeet van Peet said...

You really must be a fool if you dont take this change to win this great candy and damn now i must hurry to be at school on time to pick the Peet

askoz said...

Wspaniale Candy;)
Zapisuje siÄ™ i pozdrawiam;)

Luana said...

Thanks for the chance to win! ^^

kbrandy4 said...

Hi Tracy, thank you for the chance to win some gorgeous candy. I've put my name on the link but it has an x next to it and i don't know why.
Hugs Hazel xx

Kelly said...

Happy Blogversary! That is amazing candy, thank you for the chance to win!

Therese said...

Congratulations on the anniversary, Tracy! What a delicious candy - thank you for the chance to win. I linked you on my sidebar. I´m a follower of your blog//Therese from Sweden.

pennykitz said...

Congratulations!!! Your blog is so wonderful. I am glad to have found you. Your giveaway is amazing, and I thank you for the chance of winning.

Liefs Ineke said...

Congratulations with yoyr wontherful blog. Thank for chance to win this. I am a follower of you and the picture is in the side-bar with your link. I am glad that I found you.

Gr. Ineke

Lena said...

Congrats on your 1st blogsversary,Tracy.
DROOL~What a great candy.
I'm your follower and have linked your candy to my sidebar.

Lissy said...

herzlichen Glückwunsch und was für ein Candy, da muß man einfach sein Glück versuchen
Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne Zeit


Desirée-ScrapDees said...

thanks for giving us this change!

...through my eyes said...

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary. I am one of your newest followers, I would appreciate if you can follow me back. Please tell your friends about me.

Tonje said...

what a very generous candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Aluap said...

Happy bloganiversary!!! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy :)

Magnolia (Edith) said...

Congrats on your 1st blogsversary,Tracy!!!
That is amazing candy, thank you for the chance to win ;)))

angelwhisperssh said...

Hiya Tracy.
Happy Anniversary - You are my first blogland contact. I have just become a follower because I love your cards. Thanks for a chance to win all that candy - Wow! I hope I've done all the right things - i am a complete blog virgin! Looks like it might be fun though.
Any advise greatly appreciated.

Xongie said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks for a chance to win!

Rita said...

ello I'm Rita, thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in your candy. fingers crossed. I have included in my blog. is at the bottom of the page where I participate assiemte other candy. if I win my email

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Awesome candy, Tracy! Thanks for offering!! hugs, Angela

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway! I have posted the picture and link under the "other blog's blog candy". I try and keep my sidebars neat. :) Hope that is okay!

JulMiron said...

very generous candy!
Thanks for a chance to win!

Anna Zaprzelska said...

Your cards are absolutely wonderful, Tracy!
Fantastic candy,
greetings from Poland,

Dragonlady said...

Hi Tracy

What amazing candy. I have become a follower and put a link to this fabulous candy on my sidebar - fingers crossed!!

Hugs Ali x

Marcea said...

Hope your 2nd year is as fabulous as your first .... thanks for the chance of your gorgeous candy hun xxx

Beckey said...

New here. LOVE what I see!!!

Welkom bij Happy Stamper said...

woooow what a loverly candy.

white love

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i just found your blog and loving it
you make gorgeous creations sweetie
thank you so much for a chance to win this amazingly generous candy
i hope my birthday is a lucky day (16-02)
i see you real soon hunni
hugs angelique

laska said...

What a great candy, thank you very much to give a chance to win it.

Becky Dunham said...

Wow Tracy! What a feast :) You have included stamps from some of my favorite companies! I am a new follower and have posted this on my blog! thanks for offering us sweets for your blogaversary!

Nancy said...

What wonderful candy! Even though there are so many entrants, I am going to take a chance since your winner will be chosen on my birthday! I have my fingers crossed. Can you tell me how to be a networked blog? Thanks.

karensk said...

I became a follower and sent my email
Thanks for sharing

karenk3 at ameritech dot net

Sherry Kushibab said...

Congrats on a year - wow what you have accomplished is awesome. I'm new at this and its great to have blogs to learn from and be challenged.

Stacey G.-2 Craf-t-4u said...

Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win! Congrats on your first year!

Lori Aragon said...

Hi Tracy! Everyone in blogland is drooling over your candy lol! Thanks so much for letting us play to win :)

Hoping you are well and having a fabulous week!

Love and hugs ~ Lori

AsilisA MaM said...

I'm your follower and shared info about the candy on my side bar - thanks a lot for the chance! said...

Wow! What fabulous Anniversary Candy you are offering! I have become a follower and posted your candy on my blog side-bar.

Auntie Em said...

Congrats on your Anniversary and hope you have many more to come! Your blog is so fun and interesting.
Thanks for sharing!:o)

JoAnne said...

What a beautiful blog and such a successful first year. I am delighted to be a new follower. I have yet to start my blog although I have been planning it for awhile. Thank for the delightful inspiration and the chance to win such a beautiful collection of blog candy.

KathR said...

Am a follower but don't have a blog of my own , but just wanted to say , congratulations on reaching your 1st anniversary..., love your blog ....hugs Kath...

Mickie said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa said...

Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the chance at the awesome candy!

Chiara said...

Thank you for your candy, I'm happy to partecipate to it! :)

ciao ciao

Helen Laurence said...

Hi Tracy,
Thank you for the chance to win such awesome candy. Your cards are totally amazing. I wish I could colour like you! I'm now a follower & on network blogs too. I've linked you on my blog. Thanks again hugs x

Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Oh.. So Much Craft Goodness! Please count me in your candy drawing! Thanks Teresa

Iryna said...


Sharon Peele said...

Wow Tracy, Happy Anniversary to you!! Happy Anniversary to Tracy Happy Anniversary to you!!!!!
I just started my blog but am looking forward to celebrating my someday!!
Congrats and also your work is great!!

Tanya said...

Awesome candy Tracy!!!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this beauty! I would like to be the lucky winner :)
Linked it on my blog ( )
and I'm a follower.
Thanks and congrats on your anniversary!!!!!

cebelica said...

Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win it!
I've been a follower for a while and I also added the pic of your candy with the link back to your blog to my sidebar. :)

Iniekcja said...

Nigdy nic nie wygrałam, może teraz ... Pozdrowienia z Polski :-)

Janny's Cards Creations said...

What a great candy thanks You for the chance to win. Janny

Majbrit Maja said...

hope i win, i'm pretty new in this, and hope i have done it right..
fabolous cards.

Erum Tasneem said...

hey! thank you for this chance! I have linked your blog candy at Feline Playful. Hope you get lots of followers through Feline Playful!

ICHELE said...

Que lindo blog y Felíz aniversario

Anonymous said...

Hey Tracy ! Congrats on your anniversary ! Just became follower and I am absolutely drooling over your blog candy !!! It is a DREAM !!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for offering me this chance of trying my luck out with it.

Teresa said...

Wow what amazing blog candy....I am a follower and I posted on my blog. Thanks for the chance to win. Hugs Teresa E.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is an amazing assortment of blog candy, Thanks for a chance to win, I am new to blogging but as soon as I get all the kinks figured out I can and will link to you!! :) Happy craftin'

PixiesDelight said...

Wow congrats on the one year! I am now following and will post a link and pic on my blog to be entered for the blog candy! THanks!!!!

Mandy said...

Duh I'm such an air head I thought I'd already entered but hadn't lol.

OMG hun has it really been a year!!!!! Your candy is gorgeous, thanks for a chance to win
hugs Mandy xx

Helga said...

Wow, was für ein tolles Candy. Da muß man sein Glück versuchen. Danke für diese Chance.
Alles Gute zum einjährigen Jubiläum. Hab Sie verlinkt auf meinem Blog und mich als Leser eingetragen.

Cat said...

Happy Anniversary! Thanks so much for a chance to win such fabulous candy!

odskocznia jutki said...

Witaj marzenie żeby wygrać w takim cudnym candy ...ale kto nie próbuje ten nie wygrywa pozdrawiam Justyna

Giorgia said...

Grazie di questa bellissima opportunità e complimenti per il tuo Blog!

sallysbitz2 said...

Hello Tracy,
could you please tell me how you can keep a posting at the top of your blog, whilst posting more up to date posts underneath!!!

Thanks n hugs sally x

Czary, mary i gotowe :) said...

Hi! I know that it's almost impossible to win in your candy but I'll try.

La Frafra said...

provo anche io dall'Italia!!

elizajagoda said...

Przecudne CANDY i gratulacje 1 rocznica...
Pozdrawiam :)