
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Winner of Make It Crafty Chipboard Book

Hi Everyone,

Just popped on to let you know the winner of the Make It Crafty Advent Calendar on my blog was....... drum roll.................................


Congratulations Kaylou, you win the Make It Crafty Chipboard Book and Ornate Clocks

A full list of winners has been published on the Make It Crafty Store Blog HERE.

Hugs Tracy x


  1. woo hoooooo
    thank you so much Tracy.... wow such an awesome prize, I can't wait ....eeek.
    I just love your work and style, and the inspiration I get from you.
    Big Hugs Kaylou xx


Thank you for taking the time to pop by, I love reading your comments, you make my day.

Hugs Tracy x